May 11, 2014
Laura Bies, Director of Government Affairs
The Wildlife Society
5410 Grosvenor Lane, Suite 200
Bethesda, Maryland 20814-2144
Regarding: TWS publication: FERAL HORSES: GET THE FACTS
Dear Ms Bies
Recently, a friend sent me your above-referenced 4-page article which I’d not seen before. Though there is no date or authorship designated, it appears that the piece was probably issued within the past 3-4 years.
Though the Wildlife Society touts its members professional credentials early on as the authority on this matter, claiming as an organization to purse the “highest standards” and be “committed to science-based policy”, it struck me as odd that TWS used the term, “Feral” in the title instead of “Wild Horse” which is, of course, the legal designation for many of the horses living full-time on public lands in the West. continue reading