Nevadans for Responsible Wildlife Management are proud to support the Nevada Dept. of Wildlife’s Operation Game Thief program. We have pledged $2,000.00, along with the $1,500.00 already pledged by NoBearHuntNV, for a total of $3,500.00 as a reward for the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for the recent illegal killing of a female black bear. We salute Operation Game Thief and wish them great success in their enforcement endeavors.
———————confirmation email—————————-
Thank you Dr. Molde and Mark Smith,
We thank the Nevadans for Responsible Wildlife Management for the pledge of $2000 for the conviction of killing the female bear out of season in July 2014. I am providing a copy of this to the Operation Game Thief Citizen’s Board who pays the rewards for the Operation Game Thief program. I will keep this pledge on file. As I told Elaine, it can be quite a long process if we are fortunate enough to identify a suspect and bring them through the court process.
The pledges, along with the reward paid by the OGT Citizen’s Board, will hopefully entice someone to come forward with information that will assist our investigator in identifying suspects in this case and proceeding with a successful prosecution. I will work with our Public Information Officer, Ed Lyngar, to get the word of these pledges out to the public.
The OGT Citizen’s Board, a 501 (c) (3) corporation, raises funds separate from NDOW’s OGT program to pay rewards on all wildlife convictions that result from citizen reports to NDOW. They raise the funds to pay rewards through fundraisers and donations. If your group would like more information on their program or wish to be involved with the program to stop the illegal taking of the wildlife resource, please let me know and I can pass along more information to you. Attached is a copy of a draft reward payment letter that will give you some additional information.
I will keep you informed of the progress of the case.
Thank you again,
Paul Dankowski
Game Warden Captain
Nevada Department of Wildlife